What is Sin? 1 John 3:4

“Whosoever commiteth [sin] [transgresseth] also the law; for sin is the [transgression of the law.] Commentary: The real question is who is sin? It is a spirit that defies the law living in all people! The Apostle Peter said resist the devil and he will flee from you! Resist him with what? The Word of God! It is written! This is why the secular war on the Bible! Sin will destroy God’s expectation of you! Sin is the rebellion against the laws of God! You become offensive to God! The true end of sin is for you to miss your purpose in God! To break relationship with him! Satan’s ultimate purpose! Why is the name of Jesus mocked in our culture? Why is the Bible pushed out of our public schools? Why is prayer resisted? Why the anarchy in our streets? Why the war on authority? It is a war on the Laws of God given to men by God! There are two Greek words that make up our English word “transgress”. A person who transgresses is willingly and purposely not acknowledging the Law! This is why the Orthodox Jewish children here in America are taught the Torah and to memorize the Ten Commandments! They are instructed to learn and remember the Laws of God! To transgress the Law is to live in a state of lawlessness! Without law we have Portland! Minneapolis! LA! To reject the laws of God is to acknowledge gay marriage, homosexuality, lesbianism, transgenderism, riots, looting, burning, destruction and the poverty that it creates! Divorce creates poverty! If you approve of those that do these things you are a partner with the law breakers! The church in America is deficient in teaching the laws of God because political correctness has replaced sound doctrine! Jesus said if you love me keep my Commandments! Keep the Law! We have reached a point in our culture where people think I do not need a Savior because I am not a sinner! The church is silent so must be no problem with sin? We have to advocate the Law before we introduce the Savior! However the 501c keeps everyone quiet in the church! We might as well hold cooking classes in our churches! The last mouth piece to acknowledge the Law is the church but strangely muted? The church has to come out of hiding! We can sell books to make millions of dollars but we are selling our culture for a profit! So what does the transgression of the law or sin finally accomplish? Sin is the last nail in the coffin of any culture! Here is a key most people do not understand! Sin will bring forth an independent existence of itself! Sin is a spirit that opposes God! It will send a person to judgment and hell but itself will remain on earth looking for another soul to send there also! Sin is a person! An indwelling evil spirit! The possessed do not know they are possessed unless they understand the reason for their rejection of the Law and Jesus Christ! Jesus went to the Cross for our sin! Why the war on Crosses across America? He fulfilled the Law completely by taking our penalty for sin death upon himself! Then your relationship with God is re-established! Sin no longer separates you from God and you willingly acknowledge and live your life according to the Law! Jesus gives you the power to want to follow his commandments! Repentance acknowledges our sin and rebellion against the Laws of God! Then you become born again with the Holy Spirit instead of Satan leading your life towards heaven to be with Christ forever! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

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