The features of globalization have huge consequences or pandemics! It just comes to us much more closely…and as a consequence, every one of these viruses that pass from animals to humans has the capacity to infest us all! Nathan Wolfe, American Virologist. Comment: The political left has been pushing for a one world government over past administrations! From open borders, sanctuary cities, weak voter I.D. laws, weak military, supporting World Health Organization, World Trade Organization, public government education system and the list goes on and on! Anyway to weaken our Nationalism and promote a one world government! Think if we did not have borders and could not have stopped Chinese air travel into America! Do we want the EU model where there are no borders? No protection from invaders? So according to our Bible there will one day be a one world government! Socialism! It will be hell on earth and run by the Anti-Christ! It will be the most destructive seven years in human history! We do not want to try to build another Tower of Babel! Our American sovereign borders protect us from these physical invasions of diseases and people and armies who want to harm us! Our liberties are dependent on a government that wants to defend our Constitutional rights as citizens of one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all! Your vote this November will be between two very different ideologies! A choice between strong Nationalism or the one world government socialism dis-order and chaos of globalism! James and Hamsa Sasse.