“And I saw, behold a white horse; and he that sat on him had a bow: and a crown was given him: and went forth conquering, and to conquer.” Commentary: Great conquerors like Napoleon rode white horses a symbol of victory! The works of Satan through war, plagues, famines and death would try to thwart this victory! To thwart a Christian victory! Ideologies would come to men opposed to Christ! Darwinism, socialism, communism, despotic dictators denying the freedoms found in Christ! Political systems denying creation substituting atheism for the God of heaven and earth! Christ with his bow and arrows would overcome all the works of the enemy bringing salvation to men! He proves more than a conqueror where none can stand against him! He is God! He is undefeatable and those that reject his mercy his arrows of judgment are ready to render justice and judgment to the wicked! His arrows are ordained against the persecutors of his church! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com