
I reached a point in my life of peace when I did not have to prove anything to anybody anymore!  Joyce Meyer  Comment: This is real freedom! Our own efforts are vanity! Let God be God in you! You are to please him but he has mercy you cannot find in mortal man! You can only please Christ but by simply accepting what he has already done for you! Death on the Cross! Resurrected from the dead! For you! This removes your performance driven mortality! I love my church and my Pastor but I do not have to prove anything to them! I love my family but do not have to prove anything to them! I am no longer performance based in my being! I will let God perform in me his good works! Righteousness! Holiness! Compassion! Mercy! All the fruits of the indwelling Holy Spirit! Take me or leave me but I belong to Christ! Mock me and you mock my Savior! Curse me and you curse my Savior! We are joined together and the world will never separate us with all of its temptations! No money, no power, no threats will ever separate me from the love of God! Neither life nor death will separate me from my Savior! We have a firm foundation! Anyone who has ever met God is humbled and every pound of pride has been depleted! James and Hamsa Sasse.