Arabic Gematrical Value System

So when we take an Arabic name such as the word “Allah”, what is the numerical value of this word? When we go to the Arabic language chart going from right to left we have: ALIF=1 LAM=30 LAM=30 HA=5 So we have 1+30+30+5=66 You can go to the chart yourself and look at this! This could be part of the 666 description in the Book of Revelation in our Bible! Remember I maintain that the False Prophet that co-rules with the Anti-Christ during the 7 year Tribulation period will represent Islam! That is after the Rapture of the Church! The number six represents man! Not God! So when man merges with the religion of Islam and Allah becomes your God then when you add Allah plus man you have 666! I will do more research here on some other crucial Arabic words and the numerology they represent! Source: James and Hamsa Sasse.