Socialism & Evolution!

Socialism and the teaching of evolution are inseparably linked to each other! They are the one two knock out punch or missing link for the destruction of planet earth! Socialism, evolution or atheism are the trinity of the left! The socialist one world government was first tried at the Tower of Babel described in the Book of Genesis! Remember all the people of planet earth then were of one language! They got together and built a huge high tower into the sky to reach up to Heaven! They tried to reach heaven their own way! By their own efforts! God divided their language and scattered them across the earth! This is the first clue that God wanted separate nations with independent nationalism! God never wanted a one world order or government! However Jesus did say to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel! God wanted the world connected spiritually respecting the sovereignty of individual nations! God never intended for a one world church! That is God wanted free worship within cultures respected within their own borders! Organizations cannot save us but Christ alone! Government cannot save us but Christ alone! The church is a local body of believers working in their own communities spreading salt and light into their culture! The teaching of evolution is responsible for much destruction in our world! The teaching of evolution disputes creation of man by God as shown in the Book of Genesis! Atheism is the product of evolution! It is a rejection of God and leads our young people to believe God does not exist and they do not need a Savior! Much like Islam in a religious way teaches they do not need the Savior because they are not sinners! Islam and atheism or  socialism will merge together politically in the last days! They are already moving together! What you will find is that these young millennials running for President of the United States are all products of the false teaching of evolution! The same followers of Darwin like Marx, Lenin, Hitler, Mussolini and others! That is why they talk so crazy! The Green New Deal? France is dealing with the Green New Deal! How are they doing with riots in the streets! France taxed fossil fuels through the roof and riots followed! Venezuela is a product of the Green New Deal of socialism with the largest reserve of oil in South America but melting down into chaos! When you believe atheism then your future is to be believed that it is on you alone and crazy things happen! You tear down and start all over! You tear down the very foundations that are responsible for your success! The Tower of Babel has been torn down but many more have been tried with the same results! When we are not answerable to God we are answerable to no one! The origin of socialism, evolution and atheism is rebellion against God and his Christ! The final one world government on earth will last seven years with total destruction of the earth! It is known in our scriptures as the tribulation period! It is future! It is climaxed with the return of Christ or his second coming! Man’s own efforts will fail but my Christ will never leave me or forsake me! He has prepared a place for me in heaven! He can do the same for you if you ask him to do that! To repent of your sin and accept him for who he is and what he has and is doing for you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

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