One God!

1 Corinthians 2:5 Commentary: We will look at the Greek word “Theos” used here. This is where we get our word theology! The study of God! There are other Greek words used in the New Testament for God but will just look at Theos used here. This word was used by the early Greeks to define their gods but was adapted to the New Testament. The early Greeks like many cultures thought there was a god for each character of God! Like the idol worshipers of Hinduism and the Egyptian culture. Idol worship comes about by believing each character of God is expressed by a separate god! Atheism is also idol worship because you make yourself God! You replace God in your unbelief! The Jews believed there is only one God with different manifestations of his character! Examples would be love, joy, peace, anger, judgment and redemption! We as humans love and hate from the same person! The problem with idol worship is we imagine or make God out of our own image rather than accepting that God has created us in his own image! The roles are reversed! You decide to make millions of gods representative of every character of creation! Of birds, animals and every creation of God! Confusion! You end up trying to make God! The Jews faced the same problem when it came to the law! First the 10 Commandments and then making laws on top of them to cover hundreds of laws! How funny when i hear politicians get caught breaking a law and then telling us we will make a new law so this never happens again? Then the cycle repeats over and over again! This is the plight of men! The lawless judge the law breakers! If we could do over the Garden of Eden we would do the same thing they did and listen to the voice of rebellion! Sin against God! Only God can fix his creation! He had to sacrifice himself on a Cross to pay the penalty for our rebellion against him! Stop trying to make God and just receive his love and forgiveness executed just for you! Then his character of forgiveness for you can be applied to people who have hurt you along the way! Apply his sacrificial blood to your sin and then receive his Holy Spirit indwelling to keep you until the day of your redemption! Jesus boiled the law down into two acts! Love God and love your neighbor! This is the love from God that overcomes the world! God loves you and has given you life to experience him and be with him forever! If you miss his love in this life you have missed everything! James & Hamsa Sasse.

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