Make Christ Great Again!

The greatness of Christianity did not lie in attempted negotiations for compromise with any similar philosophical opinions in the Ancient world, but in its inexorable foundation in preaching and fighting for its own doctrine! Adolph Hitler Commentary: Hitler experienced two types of Christians in Nazi Germany! Those that rolled over and played dead under persecution and those that went to the gallows standing by Biblical doctrine resisting to their deaths! History repeats itself! Months ago I warned Christians here in America a huge wave of persecution is coming to the church here in America! Your faith in this time and place is going to be tried by fire! Last week-end several churches were burned down! A man drove a vehicle through the front entrance of a church then with the vehicle full of gasoline cans set them ablaze in the church! The message being if you come back to church we will get you! Hitler admired those who stood for their faith even unto death! Doctrinally the American church is illiterate and does not know its own doctrine! I had a pastor of a big church in Colorado a few years back when I challenged him Biblically on his stand on homosexuality tell me I do not care what your doctrine is? What you believe about God as spoken by his Word is everything! Without that standard you are a ship without a sail drifting away from God! Much of the church is in the world for the love of money! I will confess Christ until my last breath as so many pastors did in Nazi Germany! The American church is about to be tested! James and Hamsa Sasse,

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