Government is best when government is least! Thomas Paine, American Revolutionary War Hero. Commentary: I read a publication by Dr. Ben Carson that really hit the nail on the head about our current problems American culture is facing today! He said the biggest problem facing America is about half the population has made government their god! This fatal flaw is full of examples in your Bible and our founder’s of our Constitution designed this precious document to try to prevent a take over by any future government! Our Constitution plainly says our rights do not come from government but from God! Unless their is a spiritual revival in America we will soon be taken over by a foreign power! China is number one in education and America has dropped to 25th ranking! We used to be number one until government controlled schools over decades has degenerated our education system! China will continue to challenge us economically and militarily soon! If America is no good as the political left continues to push who will be left to defend her? Brush up on your Chinese for you may need it soon! God Bless America! James & Hamsa Sasse.