Graham Banned From U.K.?

Genesis 3:15 ” The seed of the woman (Christ), shall crush the head of the Serpent (Satan).” Romans 1:31  II Timothy 3:3 “In the last days men will be without natural affection for women and the family.” Commentary: So what was given the reason for banning Franklin Graham from England? His hatred for the LGBT community! Just as the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were sanctuary cities for gays so is the U.K becoming! Strange as fiction yet if you read your Bible we are in the last days! So the war on women is building! Abortion is a war on women! Divorce is a war on women! So is the promotion of the LBGT life style! For Satan knows in order to stop any future Christians he must stop the production of children! His religious and political wars are waged against Christ and his offspring! Islam is a war on women! Hinduism is a war on women! Gay marriage is a war on women! Why did not the Muslim community in England stand with Graham rather than side with the LBGT? They are on the same team! God’s love is to tell the LBGT community they are in sin and waging a war against Christ! England at one time sent out more missionaries than any other nation! Billy Graham had his largest crusade in England with one hundred and forty thousand people! The simple message of Billy and Franklin Graham is repent of your sin before it is too late! We are in the last days before the rapture and the return of Christ! Jesus second coming will be as judge and not the sacrifice for our sin! The judgment will come to those who have rejected his love! James and Hamsa Sasse.

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