Gender Confusion! Genesis 1:27

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” Comment: The word create in the Hebrew means to initiate and make an object without manipulating it from it’s original form and purpose. Darwin’s Theory of Evolution manipulates God’s creation and tries to turn it into a pseudo science to oppose God! He as an atheist opposing the scriptures! He attacks the very foundation of God! So the war against God today as always goes back the Book of Genesis! The word female is a very interesting word in the Hebrew! The word means to bore or hollow out! The word male when you go back to the foundational root word Strong’s#2142, means to remember! To remember what? His purpose! So the woman reminds or brings to remembrance to a man that he is a man! This besides other talents is what she does best! So for what purpose? Our purpose as shown in the next verse 28 is to be fruitful and multiply! So what does Satan try to do to thwart God’s purpose? To bring gender confusion! To promote homosexuality, lesbianism, transgenderism, abortion and divorce! To break up the family! To attack God’s purpose for man! Notice this war is a war on women! The first war on women was on Eve in the Garden of Eden! Continued with the attempted abortion of Jesus at his birth by the government of Rome through King Herod! To not remember who we are is to thwart our God given purpose! The culture of death opposes the culture of life! The suicide rates for transgenders, homosexuals and lesbians is  fifty to sixty percent higher than the rest of the population! Satan wants to destroy civilizations! God has a redemptive plan for man! To not remember who we are is to lose our God given purpose for our existence! Reject the culture of death and any political parties that support it! When I came to Christ as a young man on my death bed I experienced the love of God! He forgave me and gave me a new life! Born again! I no longer remembered my sin but remembered Christ and his forgiveness! Jesus said at Communion, ‘This do in remembrance of me!” If you will remember him and the sacrifice he made for you on the Cross he will never leave you nor forsake you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

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