Creation or Evolution?

Genesis 1:2-3 “And the earth came to pass without form desolate and useless, and void; and darkness with misery and falsehood was upon the face of the deep waters and the Spirit the breath of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light and there was light.” Comment: Science teaches us that in order to have life we must have water air and light! All three elements introduced at Creation! Without these we perish! Without light no heat no plants and no food! These space craft that explore our universe are looking for three things! Water air and light! An adult body is about 65% water! A new born infant is about 78% water! Water without form is useless! The entire flood in the days of Noah was water without form! When you put water in a glass it takes form and is useful! The land under a river gives the water form! A dam gives water form and is useful for irrigation and electrical power! The water pipes in your house give the water form and is useful to you! When God moved upon the face of the waters he gave it form! Purpose! When God breathed upon the waters he gave it oxygen! He gave it life! When the Holy Spirit breathes upon you he gives you life! As a mighty rushing wind! There is a river of life flowing from the Throne of God right now in Heaven! Tree’s grow along the banks of this river giving fruit that is healing for the nations! The next important element at Creation is light! Jesus is the light of the world! Without light we would freeze to death! No food and no heat! God created light because he is light! It is interesting in the Book of Revelation that heaven has no need of the sun and moon for light! God is the light himself that illuminates the heavens! Hell has light but the fire of judgment! Science will always support the scriptures! Everything you see or do not see God created! Give him the glory due his name! Satan got to hell by calling God a liar and taking credit upon himself for what God had done for him! Satan’s voice echo’s across the ages from the Garden of Eden saying; “Surely God has not said?” The Word of God is true and to oppose him is to join the ranks of Satan! To deny the life he has given you to self or another source is blasphemy! When we acknowledge Jesus as our Savior we are giving God credit creator of everything! To endorse God is to win his favor! To deny him is stupid! Do not be a disciple of the atheist  Charles Darwin! To deny God is like a midget taking on a 10 ton elephant! Do not compare yourself to a monkey and insult them! He has his purpose and you have your purpose! Your purpose is to worship God the creator of heaven and earth and creator of you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

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