Challenge Lies with Truth!

Luke 1:38 “And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it unto me according to thy spoken word, and the Angel departed from her.” Comment: The word “Rhema”, Strong’s #4487, is the spoken word! However this spoken word was the written word! Why is this important? God spoke the word before it was written! God spoke the worlds into existence! Then his spoken words were recorded and written down. God carved with his fingers into the stone tablets and became written yet he first spoke the words to Moses! What Gabriel was telling or speaking to Mary was already written down in the Old Testament! When and where the Messiah was to be born! Hundreds of years before the event! However not until the written word was spoken by Gabriel was the power released for a miracle! Jesus challenged Satan by saying it is written! When he spoke the written word Satan was defeated! Read your Bible aloud! Speak his word! Jesus commanded us to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel! How shall we hear without a preacher? Speak his words from your lips! The written word is like potential energy! When you speak the written word it becomes kinetic energy! It accomplishes miracles! Satan told Adam and Eve that God was a liar! They kept quiet and took the forbidden fruit! When you pray do it aloud! Unspoken requests are no requests! Speaking the word of God has power! Silence is submission to Satan! Our political battles are a war of words! Our words will either condemn us or save us! The battle between good and evil involves words! Trump punches back with words! The word of God is sharper than any two edged sword! Dividing truth from lies! They bring life to the soul and redemption to the lost! Oppose the lies of homosexuality, transgenderism, lesbianism, gay marriage, abortion, gender change with the word of God! Know the written word that opposes this sin and then speak those words out from your lips! If the only convert you get is yourself you have just won the battle! James and Hamsa Sasse.

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