The incarnation of God becoming flesh fully represents God coming down to man so man could go up to God! The sacrificial baby born in Bethlehem so that we could worship the sacrifice here on earth and in heaven! Our sin demands a sacrifice! Satan wants you to be the sacrifice in sickness and death! God sacrificed his only Son to deliver us from sickness and death! The wise men and the shepherds came to worship the sacrifice! King Herod rejected the sacrifice so he sacrificed children in Bethlehem to try to kill the sacrifice! Jesus came down so we could go up! If we reject the sacrifice then we do not go up but stay down in our sin and sacrifice others to get our own way! Jesus came down for you and me! To live a life free from guilt and shame of our sin against God and man! He returned to heaven from earth for you and me! To prepare a place for us there! He is coming back again to earth to rule and reign as Prince of Peace for a thousand years! You want justice? Then do not justify your sin but confess it to Jesus! Justice? Just as if I never sinned! That is the only justice that will set you free! We want to escape from rules! So does Satan! Jesus said there is a better way! Jesus said I am the way, the truth and the light! Man tries to live without God yet he has failed every time! You have better odds with the lottery! You will not be the exception! You need the conception! There is not one exception recorded in history! There is a better way not my way! We can only live an exceptional life in Christ! If the world does not figure this out then we will continue to grasp for the darkness! Passion without Christ leads to sin! Jesus will make us right with God! There is no greater gift than this! Merry Christmas! James & Hamsa Sasse.
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Zechariah Did You Know? Luke 1:20
“And, behold you Zechariah shall be dumb, not able to speak, until the day that these things shall be performed, because thou believes not my words, which shall be fulfilled in their season.” Commentary: Zechariah was a priest in the Temple a Jerusalem in 1st Century Judea. He and his wife Elizabeth were very old past able to have children. However while he was performing the duties of the priest office burning incense on the altar before the Lord an angel showed up! When the angel told him he and his old wife were going to have a son together and were to name him John his faith could not comprehend this and he fell into unbelief! He was following the science and did not believe! He did not have his Hebrew study Bible to check this out? When God shows up in your face you will not have time to reach for your Bible! So Mr. Z got a dumb spirit inserted into his soul! Why? Unbelief! God did not want him running around telling everyone how this could not happen! So he got muted! The difference was Mary believed the angel and followed the instructions to name the Son of God Jesus! So be it unto me Lord! After John the Baptist was born the dumb spirit left Zechariah and he could speak! Then when his family after the child was born wanted to name the baby Zechariah this priest said no! We will name him John! Did you know cancel culture is not a new thing! King Herod wanted to kill baby Jesus! The Chief priests and the Roman government sent Jesus to the Cross! Cancel culture! We must get rid of these nativity scenes! The Christmas trees have to go! They offend me! Never mind offending God! Merry Christmas! No Happy Holidays! In the word Christmas is the name Christ! They cannot mention his name! The cancel culture has a dumb spirit on their tongues! Satan has their tongue tied! They are bound headed for hell! And if you name Christ we will cancel you also! However the consequences like Judas of cancelling Christ are eternal consequences separated from God forever! Jesus came to give us life! To forgive us of a sin filled world of death and destruction! Jesus said if you deny me before men I will deny you before my Father! God can loose your tongue but only by believing the truth! Denying your lies and receiving the truth! That truth must be confessed by your mouth! Merry Christmas! James & Hamsa Sasse.
Christian! Your Job Description! 1 Corinthians 1:27
“But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty.” Commentary: I graduated last in my high school class in 1967! I earned it and deserved it but I had fun! I was voted by my classmates most likely not to succeed! They had my back! I had physical challenges! Then in 1973 everything changed! I was on my death bed! Really I was excited about it for I thought if there really is a God I will find out tonight! I will find out if this Bible is really true or not? Under the shadow of death Christ entered into my room that night! His light pushed away the darkness and raised me from the dead! He rescued me from myself! I did not deserve it but he came! After this experience all my devotion turned to Christ! I could never repay him but I was going to give him all my devotion both then, now and forever! I came under the authority of some good Pastors! For the next 10 years I went to the down and out into prisons, half way houses and bums on skid row sharing the love of Jesus with them! I told them that if you are a nobody God will make you a somebody! In November of 1983 I found myself in Seoul, South Korea preaching a sermon from the pulpit of the world’s largest church pastored by Cho! I had never preached a sermon from a pulpit before and had no theology degree! Pastor Cho had seven services on Sunday because of the size of the congregation about 500 thousand members then! Now today it is over a million members! I took the 6th service that Sunday in November. Some of the other speakers were Pat Robertson, Marlyn Hickey, Tony Evans and I cannot remember the other names! So when Pastor Cho introduced me to the tens of thousands of members in the audience they had a puzzled look on their faces? Me not know James Sasse? Never heard of him? How he get here? They were perplexed? But Cho had chosen us so everything is all right! When Jesus chooses you it does not matter what people say! You see I was confounding the wise! I was confounding the mighty! We went on to India as missionaries for the next 3 years under Pastor Cho’s commissioning serve there in Korea! A thirty foot wave coming in from the ocean to the beach is strong and powerful! When you get on top of that wave on a surf board you are using the power of that wave to propel you along even thou you are a million times weaker than the power of that wave! You are weak yet confounding the mighty strength of that wave for your benefit! Submit to God’s power and strength and he through you will confound the wise and the mighty! James & Hamsa Sasse.
What To Get Her For Christmas?
What to get Kamala Harris for Christmas? Get her a Boy Scout compass so she can find our southern border!
Drummer Boy Meets Savior!
War on Christmas & Traditional Values!
Thus, in setting an American agenda for a New World Order, we must begin with a profound alteration in traditional thought. President Joe Biden. Commentary: My Bible says as a man thinks so is he! Traditional values here in America are Christian values that have been our bedrock of culture for over 200 years! These values have promoted America above all competition in every metric measure of success as leaders of the free world! However the political left now has an all out war on these traditional values! Darkness replaces light! Crime replaces law and order! Deception replaces transparency! Open borders replace National sovereignty! Abortion replaces the protection of the baby in a mother’s womb! Gay couples replace traditionl marriage! Gender confusion denies the reality of your gender! Laws are crafted to protect the lawless and punish the law and order citizens! If you resist these changes you will be punished by the State! The two party system will be replaced with a one party rule like China, Russia, North Korea and Iran! Dictators run a one party system! Jesus predicted a one world government would rule the world led by the Anti-Christ just before his second coming back to earth! Only Christians here on earth stand in the way of their plans! That is why Trump is such a threat to them! He supports traditional Christian values! The good news is these are signs the return of Christ is closer than ever in world history! Soon our Christmas Tree will be replaced with Christ the creator of heaven and earth standing directly in front of the living and the dead where every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess Jesus Christ is Lord! Merry Christmas! James & Hamsa Sasse.
Joseph & Mary Betrothal Song!
Christmas Ordered! Proverbs 16:7
“A man’s heart diveseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps.” Commentary: Before Christ I devised my own ways! I planned, invested, created idea’s but it did not lead to the peace I thought it would bring to me. I was on a mission to nowhere! In fact it moved me away from God! It was like Christmas without Christ! But after Christ A.D., the Lord directed my steps! He went before me and I followed him! The word direct in the Hebrew means to be steadfast, faithful, reliable, determined and prepared to set things in order! The idea of this word direct in Hebrew used here means to bring something into an incontrovertible existence! That is my faith in Christ is not able to be denied or disputed. Law produces order and without it lawlessness and chaos follows! So when the Lord orders or directs your steps where does it lead? Let us look at some of the characters in the Christmas story. The shepherds on the hills above Bethlehem tending their sheep on a cold winter night! They were nobodies in their culture spending another eventless night guarding their smelly sheep! Then suddenly a bang boom light show from heaven! They were afraid and so would you have been so! Angels and choirs of them announcing the King has arrived! The sheep dogs and the wolves ran away! The Lord directed their steps to a manger in Bethlehem! When the Lord directs your steps he will lead you to Jesus everytime! If you devise your own steps it will lead you away from Jesus every time! The wise men were directed to Bethlehem following his star! Go out into the world and preach the Gospel says the director of heaven! Then there are those that devise and oppose this commandment! The devised plans of men like socialism, Darwinism, wokeism, cancel culture, lawlessness are just a small sample of men devising plans against the Christ of Christmas! The Christ God of creation gets his creation of gender cancelled! However this does not change reality! A world without God is hell on earth! Jesus came to deliver us from our own devises! Take the shot or we will fire you from your job! King Herod wanted worship! When there was competition he sent his government troops to Bethlehem to destroy baby Jesus! He devised a wicked plan! Mothers with young children or pregnant were slain with the sword! God will direct your steps and lead you to Jesus or Satan will lead you away from Jesus! Government demands your worship! Satan demands your worship! Jesus reveals his glory, mercy and redemption to you but you must decide whether to worship him or not! On my death bed I discovered his love for me and since then he has directed my steps towards him everyday for the rest of my life! My faith in him is undeniable and undisputable! How about you? Merry Christmas! James & Hamsa Sasse.