“All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made.” Commentary: I grew up on a farm in Nebraska. One of my jobs as a little boy along with my little brother Tommy was to gather eggs from the hen house. It was not an easy job in that the old hens who could not lay anymore eggs would gather up about a dozen eggs from hens that could lay eggs and protect those eggs from anyone! So when we would try to steal her eggs she would peck us so hard we would bleed on the arms where she pecked us! So one day my grandpa Edgar asked me which came first Jimmy the chicken or the egg? I told my grandpa I did not know? Jimmy think about this? If you had the egg first you have no hen to sit on the egg and hatch it and then no mother to take care of the chick! If you had the chicken first as God describes in the creation of this world then the chickens that first existed could then lay the eggs and produce more chickens and give you food! My grandfather was born in 1897 and only required to then go to the 8th grade! However he had more wisdom than anyone I have ever met! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com