Open Borders?

It is only when the people become ignorant and corrupt, when they generate into a populace, that they are incapable of exercising their sovereignty! President James Monroe (1817-1825) Commentary: The amazing thing about truth it is always true regardless of which century you are living in! It is always vogue with generational application! That is so with your Bible because it is truth whether yesterday, today or forever! President Monroe was a prophet! He saw the dangers of our culture moving in a direction where we become incapable of defending our own sovereignty! Open borders! Sanctuary cities! Where we no longer defend our citizenship and turn it over to those powers outside of our nation! Like bad trade deals that sent our jobs to China! Like promotion of illegal immigrants! Leaving our factories and workers in a ghost town! In other words we surrendered our rights, liberties and freedoms to those who would want to destroy us! Every time President Trump moves to defend our nation from disease such as the Coronavirus by stopping people from coming into our nation from infected countries the political left fights him all the way? Why would they not want to defend their own people? Why would people not citizens of America who are infected with this disease become more important than protecting our own citizens? This is stranger than fiction! The day President Monroe warned us about has come to America! We are pitched in a battle for the heart and soul of America! Stand up for America and vote out of office those who think and behave in such a way as to devalue American citizens and support regimes that do not represent our values! Do not elect people in public office who would surrender our liberty, freedoms and prosperity to foreign governments for personal financial gain! In other words do not elect traitors! God  Bless America! James and Hamsa  Sasse.

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