Mission Impossible?

Luke 1:37  Greek Translation: “For with God no nothing at all never shall be unable, impotent or impossible with God.” Comment: God is unlimited! How about creating the world in six days we are living in right now! How about creating the heavens! The sun, the moon and the stars! How about creating you and me! It did not take millions of years to get here as the evolutionists assume! God did not evolve! He always was and always will be! If I have any assumptions then I am not living by faith! How about parting the Red sea for Moses! You can still find Egyptian chariot wheels under the Red Sea! How about the shepherd boy David slaying the giant Goliath! Then David becomes King of Israel! Even today God delivers Israel from their enemies! Mary asked a fair question to the Angel Gabriel. How can this be when I know no man? The Holy Spirit will come on you just like he did on the face of the waters at creation! Your cousin Elizabeth will bare a son in her old age named John the Baptist! Jesus walked on water! Raised the dead! Himself raised from the dead! Ascended to heaven and will return to earth at his second coming for those that trust him! There is only one thing God cannot do! He cannot sin! It comes easy for you and me and the mortals of the earth! Sin comes naturally for us! Jesus said we must be born again or have a second birth! A supernatural birth! So what is impossible with men is possible with God! Grace is God doing for you what you cannot do for yourself! Sin is possible for men living without God! It is guaranteed! Death, destruction, war, evil, wickedness and every evil device of Satan is possible for men without God! God has provided Salvation to men through his only Son Jesus Christ! You need faith to please God! Faith in Christ! Outside of God there is no Salvation for men! No miracles! No redemption! No life! No hope! No light! Only death and judgment! Everyone has to make a choice about Christ! Everyone will make a choice before entering eternity! Eternity is expressed here and now in the life you live here on earth today! The thief on the Cross changed his eternal destiny by receiving Christ as Savior! The other two thieves rejected Christ! One out of three! It is interesting that 1/3rd of the earth are Christian! One out of three!  The choice is yours and remember wise men still seek him! To play the fool is to risk your forever without Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

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