God an all Consuming Fire Except? Exodus 3:2

An angel spoke unto Moses out of a burning bush but the bush was not consumed! Our God is a consuming fire yet at times his fire does not consume but is redemptive! His fire can also result in judgment! A fire that does not consume shows his mercy! King Nebuchadnezzar made a decree that all must bow down and worship his idol or face the furnace! The three young Hebrew men refused to worship him and were cast into the flames! There was a fourth man seen in the furnace with them who is believed to be Christ himself! Jesus has delivered us from the flames of hell! The Apostle John was boiled in a pot of oil yet it did not hurt him! The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah full of homosexuals was consumed by the fire in judgment for their sin! There is no light without fire! Fire heats our homes in the winter and cooks our meals! God created fire for our benefit! Fuel ignites in an engine with fire and transports our airplanes, vehicles, trains and ships! Jesus said he is the light of the world! He created our world and gave us light! His light pushes away the darkness! Fire is supernatural! The fires of hell reveal Satan’s character! In heaven right now Jesus lights the place up with no need of the sun, moon and stars! Yet his fire does not consume him! The fire does not consume the sun! Those that reject his light receive the judgment of a consuming fire for all of eternity! Choose the fire that redeems! James & Hamsa WhoisGod.in

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