Guilt or Innocence by Association! 1 Corinthians 5:11

“But now I more have written you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner, with such or one, no, not even to eat with them,” Commentary: The old saying is they will know you by your friends! Our mission is to preach the Gospel in word and deed! Do not be so naive that you hanging around wicked people will change them! I remember years ago in this small town where we lived in Georgia this young man went to his Pastor in a local church and told him he was going to go to the bars around town and share Jesus and get them all saved! The Pastor did not agree with him on his method but he went on anyway and began to hang around drunks day after day! He married a bar maid later on his mission trips and left the church! He should have brought the unbelievers to church! But that to is not easy! At that time we owned about 30 rental properties in this small town. A young lady who was one of our tenants expressed interest that she would like to attend our church but did not have a ride to church. I told her since I take my family to church I would have to come a little early to pick her up for church. I came by that Sunday morning and picked her up for church. We had not traveled two blocks when she asked me what motel are we going to? I told her we are going to church not to any hotel! She then said you are serious about going to church? Yes I told her I am serious! She asked me to turn the van around and take her back to her apartment! You see I was trying to get her to associate with Jesus and she was trying to get me to associate with her sin! I declined to associate with her sin and she declined to associate with my Jesus! The missionary to the bars left his association with Jesus and associated with his bar maid and her sin! People have to give up their sin to hang around Christ and some will not do that! It requires time, repentance, commitment, your resources, effort, persecution by the world and sometimes family but Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you and only he has power to forgive sin, heal the sick and raise the dead! Everyone even your most trusted can abandon you but never Jesus! Your association with him is forever not just this life but all human relationships however good will end someday! My wife Hamsa and I by God’s grace have been married 48 years! However after spending 90 days in the hospital with her age related challenges I have come to realize our relationship as good and lovely as it is will one day end! But together we and our marriage has and will always be associated with Jesus as long as we have breath! Jesus took his last breath on a Cross for you so you could come into relationship with him! To waste his love for you to try to hold on to your sin is a much bigger sin than you understand! In fact it is an unpardonable sin! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Abortion Child Sacrifice! Amos 1:13

“This is what the LORD says: For three sins of Ammon, even for four, I will not relent. Because he ripped up the pregnant women of Gilead in order to extend his borders.” Commentary: In order for America to replace 62 million sacrificed children we have to extend our borders to replace those children! In other words we have to remove our borders and let non-citizens or illegals come into our country! Due to abortion we have generations of missing children! Children and grand children and great grand children! The one world government prophesized in your Bible to come in the future lead by the Anti-Christ will have no borders! Are you pro-choice? Did you know sin is a choice! Heaven is a choice! Hell is a choice! Repentance is a choice! Life and death is a choice! The cruelest sin is to choose death for someone else! This is what the shooter does in the church, shopping mall, school or any other place! Criminals choose death for others then to sacrifice themselves to accomplish their criminal acts against humanity! Adam and Eve chose death for us! In contrast God chose the sacrifice of his only Son Jesus Christ on a Cross to bring us life in the here and now and forever! With men life brings death but with God death brings life! God brought life for you by choosing death for himself! Great men chose sacrifice for themselves to bring life to others! Whether God himself or a United States military member or a policeman or fireman or first responder showing heroism over selfishness! Selfishness and sin is choosing death for someone else yet their unwillingness to sacrifice themselves for others! This is what abortion is! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Green New Deal & Fables! 2 Timothy 4:4

“And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.” Commentary: So what in the hell is a fable? Let us take a look at the Greek root word for a better understanding. This word comes from the word mythology! We get our word myth from mythology. It means something fabricated in the mind set over and against the real someone or something that is true! A fable is a lie used to deceive people into not believing the truth! It is the spirit of darkness opposing the Kingdom of Light! News reports lately have confirmed the destruction of nations already from the Green New Deal! The island nation of Sri Lanka has politically and economically collapsed due to the application of the Green New Deal! The Prime Minister has fled the country! Stop the use of fertilizers and gasoline usage and anarchy is now ruling Sri Lanka! It does not stop here! Europe is now in turmoil by governments trying to do the Green New Deal! Farmers are rioting due to lack of fertilizers and fuel! Here in America the war on fossil fuel has brought high unsustainable levels of inflation! The Biden Administration tries to blame it on Putin yet he is prospering from high oil prices selling their oil to India and China! We give Ukraine billions of your tax moneys to fight Putin yet be shut down our own oil production causing shortages that lead to inflated prices of oil on the world markets helping to fund Putin’s wars! Is this crazy? Yes! Farmers here in America now pay triple the price for fertilizers so this 300 percent increase will be soon passed on to your grocery bills every month plus more to ship those products to market will continuing rise in price of diesel fuel for trucks! The church through the 501c has let loaned our politics to other people! Our freedoms have been hijacked by people that do not believe the God of Creation that God created the earth for man! For our benefit the elements and resources of planet earth! Darwin has twisted the truth with fables! Fables believed as truth and earth worship is now the ideology of the day even if we have to sacrifice man to save the earth? This is crazy but this is where we are! The gods of men are stupid rejecting truth! Climate change becomes their gods sacrificing humans to achieve their goals! If this insanity continues famines are in our future! The fables of evolution are destroying our future! The earth was created for the benefit of man but man was not created for the earth! The earth is not our God! Our God created the earth! When famines come political upheavals result then death and destruction replace the Light of the Gospel! Come November if we do not replace the supporters of the Green New Deal at the ballot box then a revolution will come and no one wants to go there! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Fallen Angels! Mark 16:9

“And unclean spirits, when they saw Christ, fell down before him, and cried, saying, Thou art the Son of God.” Commentary: It is interesting when demons get cornered by Jesus they confess he is the Son of God! Even the demons know! However when they roam the earth looking for humans they can possess they confess to them that Christ is a fraud and a liar! The people they possess develop doctrines of demons! They oppose the God of Creation with ideologies of death! The objective of demons is to destroy men! To separate us from God! Christ came to save men! Men under demonic influence develop social, political and religious ideologies that oppose Christ the God of Creation! Economic systems, political systems, science systems, social systems are developed to lead men away from Christ! To deny his authority and replace him with doctrines of demons! These systems will punish people who follow Christ and testify of his truth! Christ is a threat to their systems of control over men! We know demons are reserved for hell! Satan wants to lead as many as he can to hell! Jesus wants to lead people to heaven! Remember fallen angels are not able to access redemption because their rebellion took place in heaven! Rebelling in heaven is an unpardonable sin! You can reject Christ here on earth in your ignorance yet repent of your sin and go to heaven yet to betray God and rebel in heaven it is over for you! So Satan to try to get even with God tries to get as many humans as possible to follow him to hell! Who did Jesus first appear to after his resurrection from the dead? Mary Magdalene! Remember Jesus cast 7 devils out of her! She understood the power and authority of Christ! Even when she went and told his other disciples he has risen they did not believe her! A big part of Jesus ministry was casting out demons from men! The word demon means one who deceives! A liar! Demons living in men will try to get them to deny Christ! Unbelief is denying who Christ is and his words of life! Jesus if you are the Son of God jump off the wall of this Temple the angels will save you! What are some of the Doctrines of Demons today? The biggest Docrine of Demons I have seen in my life time here in America and studying world history is Charles Darwin and his Theory of Evolution which opposes the God of Creation! He is responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths and leading our youth away from Christ in our public education systems! The Axis Powers leaders of WWII that is Germany, Italy and Japan were all Darwinists! Survival of the fittest! We can prove to the world we are a superior species! Karl Marx the Father of Socialism and Communism was a follower of Charles Darwin! Darwin will lead you to atheism where they believe there is no God and you are answerable to no one! Lenin was a Darwinist the Russian Revolution responsible for the death of about 100 million people! The followers of Darwin are behind the Green New Deal! If those policies are carried out we here in American and in other parts of the world will be facing a famine soon! To deny Creation turns your ideology on its head! God created the earth for the benefit of men! But to reverse the order and think that men exist for the earth and the earth is more important than men leads to disasters! Darwin hides under the mask of science! How deceptive Satan is for men to believe this ideology is scientific? The scriptures are supported by science not Darwin! Genesis 1:1 your first verse in your Bible says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth! Science says the earth and the planets are all the same age! Darwinist will in one way or another will oppose the God of Creation! Islam is a doctrine of Demons! We must all die for God! Wait a minute? I thought God died for us! You are trying to do God’s job? You fool! Hinduism says God is whoever you make him to be in your mind? Wait a minute? I thought God created us? You cannot make God? Doctrines of Demons! Your idols are man made! Opposing the God of Creation! Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord! The Demons confess before Christ but will deny him before men! One day when we all stand before the judgment seat of Christ we will all confess with the Demons that Jesus Christ is Lord! But to wait until then and not confess him before men here on earth will lead you down a path to hell where confessing Christ there will do you no good! James & Hamsa Sasse

Creation & Science! Genesis 1:1

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Commentary: So how does science support this? Science says that the earth and the planets in our universe are all the same age! There is a dispute about the age of our universe but depending on the carbon dating method used science determines regardless of age they are all the same age! So science supports creation and from this we understand that our universe did not evolve! Our scriptures dispute Darwin! Our universe was created by the God that did that explained in Genesis 1:1, the very first verse of your Bible! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Parental Biblical Training for Children! Proverbs 22:6

I am sick of people saying cops need more training? You had 18 years to train your child not to steal, shoot, stab, burn down churches and buildings, laser peoples eyes, flip cars, steal, block traffic and attack other people. The police did not fail you! You failed your children!

Sink or Swim!

Just to be clear some of the “old white men” are the reason that you are not speaking German or Japanese in America today! However if you do not follow their lead today as an American then you will be speaking Chinese or Russian tomorrow! Veterans of America!

The First Lottery? Mark 15:24

“And when they had crucified him, they parted his clothes, casting lots upon them, what every man should take.” Commentary: They played the lottery to see who would get Jesus clothes! They hung him on a Cross to shame you! Hung up naked! To let the governed populations of the Roman Empire know that Rome was in charge! Defy Rome and death was your end! It was evil that got Jesus up on the Cross! Then evil all around the Cross like the soldiers gambling for his clothes! The mockers in the crowd! Save yourself Jesus you saved others! Get down from the Cross! Do another miracle Jesus! Jesus resisted evil yet he submitted to evil to get to the Cross! Not my will but thy will be done! Crucify him said the crowd! Did you ever notice when any culture abandons God including America that what was once celebrated is now condemned! What was once condemned is now celebrated! Gay marriage, homosexuals, lesbianism, transgenderism, socialism, wokism, communism, atheism, abortion and the list goes on! Then as a decaying culture if you do not celebrate what God has condemned then you are condemned! The great leaders of America like Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Lincoln are now condemned? So the crowds that celebrated Jesus as he did his miracles now condemn him! Except for a few of his disciples yet some of them denied him and fled! If you are not persecuted then you are not following Jesus and then you will be persecuting Jesus followers! Evil always persecutes good! Better to be persecuted with a loving relationship with the Savior than persecuting the righteous with loss of your soul separated from God forever! The Apostle Paul was a persecutor of Christians then Jesus along the Road to Damascus asked Paul why are you persecuting me? Paul then by the end of his life wrote about 1/3 of our New Testament! God can do great things with wicked people and transform them into the image of God! That is what he did for me! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Crowds & Facebook! Mark 15:15

“Pilate wanting to satisfy the crowd, released the murderer Barabbas unto them, and delivered Jesus, when he had scourged him, to be crucified.” Commentary: Pilate was a destructive politician who followed the crowds! Good leaders lead the crowds away from violence! Right now in America we have politicians following the crowds! I was just a teenager back in the 1960’s when we had riots, crime, burning and looting going on in our big cities here in America! Some things never change! Back then my grandfather Edgar told me something I never forgot! He told me never to follow the crowd in that it was the crowd that crucified our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! The crowds today still want to crucify the innocent releasing criminals out into our populations with destructive results! Pilate was acting in a prophetic way directing Jesus to the Cross for our sin! America is trying to live without God and it is not working! We need to step out of the crowd and follow Jesus! Jesus did address crowds but led them into paths of righteousness! He healed the sick and the blind! Raised the dead! The rich young ruler could not leave his wealth and follow Jesus but a simple fisherman Peter left his boat and business to follow Jesus! Is your life crowded with too many things? Are you a crowd pleaser on Facebook, Tik Tok or Twitter? Are you looking for a crowd endorsement? Jesus went into a secluded place to pray! The crowd lives to be seen but Jesus people seclude themselves in study and prayer! Jesus said I only do what pleases my Father in heaven! Our true character is not revealed by our failure but by our successes! I need the votes of the crowd so I can succeed! Never mind I have to do bad things to get there! The crowd mentality opposes the love of God! Just gives us Barabbas! Give us that bad ass! The crowd will always sacrifice others to get its way! God sacrificed himself to make a way for us to heaven! At Jesus second coming back to earth the crowds will scatter and hide under rocks trying to escape the judgment of God! At Jesus return he will tell us one of two things! Either well done thy good and faithful servant or depart from me you workers of iniquity for I never knew you! Heaven is not a crowded place but hell is! Do you read and study his word the scriptures having your face in the Book or is your face on the book Facebook trying to please the crowds? James & Hamsa Sasse.