“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Commentary: It goes on in Genesis to show us God created everything including you! He made them male and female! The cultural gender war is a war on God and his creation! This culture war is also turning against those who have a Biblical foundation of creation! Rebellion against God started in heaven when Lucifer who became Satan was cast out of heaven unto earth with one third of the angels who followed him! So the first thing Satan told Eve in the Garden of Eden is that God is a liar! God did not surely say you will die if you take of this fruit from this tree! The Tree of Life was in the center of the Garden but they chose another tree that brought death to mankind! Then later The Tree of Life Jesus was tempted by Satan! Turn these stones into bread if you are the Son of God! Jesus responded man shall not live by bread alone but every word that procedeth out of the mouth of God! God spoke our world into existence! Jesus calmed the waves on the Sea of Galilee! Peace be still! Worshiping self instead of God is the same thing Satan does! When you do this you become a follower of Satan! Through man made religions! Through Evolution Darwin’s pseudo-science lessons! Worship of science even a false science in Darwin’s Theory of Evolution! An unproven theory! Are things getting better according to Darwin? During the plague of 1918 675000 thousand Americans died from the plague! Today about 100 years later 900000 thousand Americans have died from COVID! So did the science get better? What we know from the 1918 plague for those who got the plague their life expectancy was reduced by 12 years! Time will tell and the jury still out on COVID complications reducing life spans! We do know things are not getting better and this was Jesus prediction of the end times! Heaven or hell is waiting on you determined whether you worship the creator or creation! I will never bank on a theory unproven by time and history shows followers of Darwin such as Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Emperor Hirohito created a hell on earth rejecting the creator of heaven and earth! When the Biblical model of the origin of life is rejected by any culture bad things happen! The Green New Deal is about worshiping planet earth! Save the planet our Darwinist politicians proclaim! Rather than using the energy oil and gas God has gifted us with for America making our lives better and more competitive in the world with cheap energy! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com