If you want me to believe in your redeemer, you are going to have to look more redeemed! Friedrich Nietzsche, Hitler was one of his disciples. Commentary: The redeemed are not the standard for the redeemer! Christ stands alone! Christ came from heaven to earth to redeem us however we are saved sinners by the grace of God! Grace is God doing for you what you cannot do for yourself! We can never judge the redeemer (Christ) by the redeemed! You cannot have the cart before the horse! Christ is God in the flesh incarnated to take our judgment for sin on the Cross! We are mortals Christ is immortal! Mahatma Gandhi tried this same old trick to judge Christ by Christians? We are saved sinners! If we were Christ we would not need redemption for then we would have to redeem them! Christ is King because he is God in the flesh! No mortal holds this position! Did Billy Graham always look redeemed? Maybe in front of millions of people on television for one hour! How about when he got home to an upset wife and screaming kids? His son Franklin rejected Christ and then accepted him well into adulthood! Our ticket to heaven has been punched by Jesus Christ! No other endorsement will work! We get to heaven based on the merits of Jesus Christ not on our own merits! The perfect God/Man who is the perfect sacrifice without blemish for our sin! The spotless lamb went to the Cross for all of us! Such flimsy excuses people have to reject Christ and the sacrifice their redemption! The excuses always come from looking at man rather than God! If they will truly look at themselves then they will recognize any ideology based on the rejection of Christ leads to destruction of men on earth and eternal separation from God! James and Hamas Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com