Why will Kamala Lose Election?

She refuses to identify who she really is! Her past actions over the past 4 years contradict what she says she will do for us in the future as President! She sounds more like Trump and his policies as we near the election yet her and Biden undid every policy that Trump put in place to help Americans! There is also a spiritual lesson here! If we fail to identify ourselves then someone else will try to define us! If I do not identify with Christ then I will identify with the Anti-Christ! The default mode from Christ is always Satan and his Kingdom! Remember how Satan in the Temptation told Jesus after his 40 day fast if you are really God then turn these stones into bread! Jesus countered him with the Word of God and said man will not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God! Satan then said if you are the Son of God jump of this Temple mount for he will give his angels charge over you! Jesus replied we will not put God up to a foolish test! Notice Satan called Jesus the Son of God not the daughter of God! God created male and female! The mother of Jesus Mary did a wonderful thing but her gender determined her purpose! Gender is God given and for his purposes! To bring glory to his name! Satan and his objective to destroy gender and every living soul! To bring death to every human! Jesus came to save men from their sin! Jesus identified with his Father in Heaven and the Word of God the Holy Scriptures! My identity is in Christ and the Holy Scriptures as given to me in my Bible! I will follow Christ and him alone! Where is your identity? Is your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life? This life at best is short but eternity forever! Where will your forever be? Heaven or Hell all depends on what you do with Christ today while you still have breath here on earth! Will the breath God has given you at Creation be used to praise God or curse him? Choose this day who you will serve! Christ or Satan! James & Hamsa IsGodReal.nl
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