What is a Real Sacrifice? Exodus 3:18

Moses and the elders wanted King Pharoah to release all the 2 million Jews to go out into the desert on a 3 days journey to sacrifice to their God! Why not just send the Priests out to do this? Pay them to do the sacrifice? The key meaning of the word “sacrifice” is found in the Hebrew word used in this scripture! The word does not refer to a Priest doing a continual animal sacrifice for the sins of the people but it means a personal sacrifice at ones own expense! Jesus at the Cross! The grandmother who just got a two year prison sentence for protesting in front of an abortion clinic! She believed the lives of the unborn were more valuable than her own life! The soldier who lays down his life for his country! The parents that get up everyday and go to work for their families! God sacrificing his own Son for our sin who knew no sin! Only God’s sacrifice can save us yet to live like God is to make sacrifices for him and for others! The blood sacrifice of Jesus covers the blood shedding of our evil actions against others! Why? Because his blood was the very blood of God himself! Some will be awarded the Martyr’s Crown in heaven after their life lived here on earth! God died for us so we do not have to die for God! However God’s will for each of us must be lived out for our time here on earth! If his will is for us to be Martyred for the testimony of Christ then so be it! Whether we live for him or not everyone here on earth has an eternity before us depending on what we did with and for Jesus Christ while we lived this live on earth! James & Hamsa Sasse IsGodReal.eu
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