Total visitor traffic for May was 3133 visitors. Top 5 nation traffic was USA, China, Canada, Sweden & Great Britain. Top 5 audio download languages were Badeshi, Arabic, Dutch, Estonian & Kiswahili. Bottom line is we average 100 visitors per day. If one visitor prints our Gospel Tract in their language and then distributes among their population then we have the potential to reach millions of people! This may explain why Google will not allow us to advertise our web site on their platform! The social media platforms are supposed to be neutral but they are not! If they can remove the President of the United States from their platforms who are you? The only way we can change this is to remove their litigation protection given to them by Congress! However Congress benefits especially the Democrats by social media platforms promoting liberal views but blocking conservative views! So this problem will continue and neutrality will not exist on these platforms until changes are made by congress. Neutrality only exists with the “N” position on your transmission selector in your vehicle! Jesus said if you are not for me then you are against me! Neutrality sends people to hell! We will continue to fight to promote Biblical values to America and the nations where only real freedom is found in Christ! Thankyou for your prayers and support to our work on our web site to reach the multitudes for Christ! James & Hamsa Sasse.