“And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that the whole world should be taxed.” Commentary: Caesar not only wanted to tax Rome but the whole frickin world! There is some good news out of this! Joseph and Mary had to return to their home town of Bethlehem to register to pay their taxes to Rome! Joseph was of the lineage of David! So Jesus being born in Bethlehem was fulfilled by the Prophet Micah hundreds of years before in the Old Testament! Caesar Augustus was an emperor or Monarch of the Roman Empire! A Monarch rules with supreme power! Interestingly some Monarchs are hereditary rulers or dictators but some are elected to power as history records! Rome had conquered many nations to expand their power! The Nationalist Social Party of Germany elected Hitler to power then he suspended all constitutional power and became the Monarch or Dictator of Germany. Remember at Jesus 1st coming a Dictator politically ruled the earth! Likewise at Jesus second coming a Dictator the Anti-Christ will rule the world! A one world government with all freedom suspended! The problem with socialism is that they must continually be expanding the tax base in order to survive! The politicians in charge during Jesus 1st and 2nd coming will be very similar! Both systems trusted not in God but in themselves for their rule! So when you see American Democracy abandoned to Socialism before your very eyes do not be dismayed for this day must come yet will usher in the Messiah once again to defeat the Anti-Christ and will rule the world in peace for a thousand years! The birth pains will intensify until he comes again! Jesus defeated Rome not by the power of the sword but by the love of God for his subjects! Rome just a few hundred years later became the Holy Roman Empire the center of Christianity! Then the roads Rome built across Europe for their conquests are the same roads that were used by their missionaries to evangelize Europe! Jesus will not rule the world as an absolute Monarch but by love for his subjects! His rule will be shared by the Trinity! Jesus does nothing on his own but by obedience to the Father and according to the Holy Scriptures and confirmation by the Holy Spirit! Sharing power for the Redemption of man! Not enslaving men through the corruption of human government but freeing men from the enslaving sin from their rebellion against God! Jesus came the first time at Bethlehem as promised in scriptures and he will return the second time back to earth just as the same scriptures declare! Do you want to be part of this eternal legacy? Accept his first coming and you will embrace his second coming and be part of that also! Merry Christmas! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYouChurch.com