2 Peter 3:16 “As also in all the Epistles or written letters of the Apostle Paul, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to understand, which they are unlearned and unstable wrest, as do the other Scriptures which are inspired by God presenting a picture of God, unto their own destruction in a lost state after death.” Comment: God created the universe with his Word! He spoke the world’s into existence! God is expressed and defined by his Word! So how does Satan promote keeping people away from his Word? Through illiteracy my friend! Darkness exists by suppressing the light! Let me give you some current statistics! 1. Today 32 million people in America are illiterate! 2. Twenty one percent of American’s read below the 5th grade level. 3. Nineteen percent of high school graduates cannot read. 4. Eighty- five percent of juveniles who interact with the Juvenile Court System are illiterate. 5. Seventy percent of inmates in American prisons cannot read above the 4th grade level. 6. Sixty six percent of students who are unable to read proficiently by the end of the 4th grade will end up in jail or on welfare. 7. Among developed nations the U. S. ranks 16th for adult reading skills. 8. Forty percent of Pakistan population cannot read. 9. India has the largest illiterate population in the world at 287 million people. Source: 2019@Brandongaille.com After spending hundreds of billions of dollars by you the tax payer’s every year here in America things just get worse! Every church in America needs some type of reading program incorporated into their Sunday school’s! Just do not play music and video’s to entertain our children but train for an hour and teach them reading skills incorporated with Bible instruction! Colonial America which used the Bible to teach reading had an illiteracy rate of about two percent! On our web site we have the Gospel Tract in over 100 languages on audio tracts! The war against the Gospel is the war on literacy! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com