Trump & Mount Rushmore!

In my lifetime of 75 years I have seen 4 outstanding Presidents! So what do they have in common? Assassination attempts were made on their lives! President Kennedy, Ford, Reagan and Trump! Mount Rushmore has the images of the greatest leaders of our nation but some who came after them are worthy of our admiration! Lincoln was assassinated by a southern Democrat! Why do our greatest leaders suffer the most? Most politicians try to avoid suffering and benefit from their positions even at the cost of their electorate! Trump while president gave up his presidential salary! Sacrifice! We have a spiritual principle that represents two opposed Kingdoms! The Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan! God sacrificed his only Son to purchase our redemption! The author of sin Satan sacrifices people to populate the Kingdom of Hell! God populates the Kingdom of Heaven with the redeemed sinners with his own blood! While we still have breath we can chose Heaven over Hell! Love and Democracy demands a choice! In hell there are no choices for those that have rejected Christ! In regimes dictators like those in China, Russia, North Korea and Iran remove free choices for their subjects! They decide where you live, work and how you get around! Public transportation replaces private transportation and government ownership of everything! Socialism and the Karl Marx Communist ideologies take away all choices and suppress their people! We still have freedoms here in America yet the political left is working hard to eliminate our choices! Trump will restore our freedoms and make America great again! God Bless America James & Hamsa

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