The Palestinians & Sorrow! Exodus 15:14

The Book of Exodus was written by Moses about 3500 years ago! This Book describes the Jews exodus out of Egypt after 400 years of slavery where they served King Pharoah. God promised the Jews through Abraham that he was reserving a land of them flowing with milk and honey which is present day Israel! So when the Palestinians heard that the Jews were headed back to the land they were occupying they became sorrowful! The word Palestine in the Hebrew means to roll in the dust! They were migratory people or illegal immigrants taking territory by force! They were also known as the sea people. Plundering as pirates invading the lands of others. Their name was also called the Philistines! Remember David fighting a Philistine named Goliath? Sometimes they were also known as the Zidonians! The same Hebrew root word is used for the Palestinians and the Zidonians! They are the same people! Plundering people was their occupation! Squatters! God has given his people promises yet in this life there is a battle required to receive those promises! Jesus on the Cross! HAMAS funded by Iran are the present day Palestinians waging war against Israel! What God has reserved for his people Satan will try to steal! Fight the good fight of faith trusting Jesus to reward you for following him into every battle Satan will wage against you but you will have the victory for when Satan and his followers try to wage war against God they will never win that conflict! They will continue to roll around in the dust of death and destruction! James & Hamsa

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