The Gold Standard! Exodus 28:30

So what does the Urim and the Thummin represent on the breast plate of Aaron the Priest to enable him to bear the judgment of the people on his heart continually before God? First we need to look at these two Hebrew words used in this scripture and their meaning! The “Urim”, represents the light of fire and the illumination of truth! Light brings revelation! Any culture that rejects the Light of the Gospel moves into darkness! There are no exceptions! Then the political system whether Nazi Germany or the extreme political left here in America will turn our nation into a culture of death! Abortion, child castration of genders, open borders, favoring our enemies over the American citizen, using our tax dollars to support our enemies, promotion of transgenderism and homosexualism, the death of our youth through illegal drugs coming across our open borders and from China but the most evil of all is war on our children! The promotion of saying we have a right to do wrong! A right to do evil! War on the Jews today as in the time of Hitler! The right to kill Jews! Darkness is replacing the Light of Christ! So what does our second Hebrew word “Thummim” mean? This word includes the following meanings: Completeness, fullness, perfection, integrity, prosperity, wholeness, innocence, uprightness, strength and a good relationship to God. Jesus is more than a representative of God he is God! God incarnated in the flesh! This is why the Father rendered all judgment unto the Son! Jesus was without sin yet took our judgment upon the Cross for us! This is why rejection of Christ is so serious because if he does not take your judgment then you take your own! Jesus defeated death, hell and the grave for those that trust him! He was raised from the death and will raise everyone from the dead some to everlasting life and some to eternal judgment in hell forever! Those that mock Christ are playing with fire! Then you make yourself God and just ask Lucifer how that turned out? Live in the Light of Christ or in your own darkness! As simple as I can make it for you there are forgiven sinners in Heaven and unforgiven sinners in Hell! You cannot save yourself! Grace is God doing for you what you cannot do for yourself! Let God do for you and stop trying to be God! Let God do his job and your job is just to receive his grace! By grace you are saved and not of yourselves! Jesus won the gold medal on the Cross for us and we are champions done by his work on that Cross! James & Hamsa Sasse.
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