The Apostle Paul Learned This Truth!

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious convictions! Blaise Pascal Commentary: A religious man named Paul participated in the murder of the first Christian martyr Stephen! He was on the Road to Damascus to round up more Christians and bring them back to Jerusalem for trial! Jesus intervened on the Road to Damascus and asked Paul speaking from a bright light which blinded Paul why do you fight against God? Jesus instructed Paul to take the hand of his fellow traveler and go to a street called Straight in Damascus and a man there will pray for you and you will recover your sight! After these events Paul became the Apostle Paul the greatest evangelist in history and wrote about half of our New Testament! God has come to save us but religion will kill us! Look at Islam! The new religion on the left here in America is Wokism! If you oppose their new religion such as transgenderism then they will come after you and your children in gender castration and even go into Christian schools and shoot your children! You will comply or die! You cannot celebrate your God given gender you must change it or else! Socialism is about making everything and everyone the same even your gender! No distinction of character is allowed! If you do not fall into line you are the enemy of the State! Illegals are welcome and rewarded by the State by the millions for there is no American citizenship we are all the same! There are no criminals we are all the same so we will give them their freedom to go out and do their evil deeds! We will punish success! If you make less than so much money then no tax for you but successful people making more money will be punished! If we live in hell we will at least all be the same! There is no heaven and consequences for evil and if you will be quiet in the church we will give you a tax break! Evil will be a legitimate tax deduction! We must all be the same with no distinctions and no differences and all must worship at the altar of Wokism! If you Christians continue to be different to try to set a standard against evil we will perform evil on you! All these current events against the church are preparations for the rule of the Anti-Christ! We overcome evil with good! Jesus said love your enemies! Do good to those that despitefully use you! Jesus loved Paul his enemy on the Road to Damascus and he became the leader of the 1st Century Church! James & Hamsa Sasse.

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