Is Evolution in your Bible?

Romans 1:20 “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead, so they are without excuses.” Comment: Evolution is not in your Bible! You can try all the schemes to get it there like the gap theory but not Biblical! If you confess evolution and Christ you have divided yourself from God! You got your evolution ideology from another source! Like the Charles Darwin Theory of Evolution! You are banking your future on a theory! The Apostle Paul here in this scripture says we would be without excuse! The only way my sin could be judged with no redemption is to reject the Godhead! Reject the Trinity! The Trinity is responsible for creation and redemption! You cannot have it both ways! Either God is a liar or Darwin is a liar! Either your evolution teacher is a liar or God is a liar! Jesus is the truth? Why? He is God in the flesh! He did not evolve! He has existed forever before the creation of the world! Jesus will judge the world! Jesus witnessed and was active in Creation! Jesus will be active and will witness either your judgment or redemption! Which way it is for you he will be active in! You can follow Darwin to judgment or Christ to redemption! Two roads that lead to very different places! One road to heaven and one road to hell! Why not travel the road less traveled? Do not follow the road most traveled where the masses of humanity follow the road to the abyss rejecting the Savior! James and Hamsa Sasse.