To destroy Christianity, we must first destroy the British Empire! Karl Marx, Darwinist, Marxist, Communist & Socialist. Commentary: Christian Evangelism spread from Rome to England and then to America! Western Civilization is Christian civilization! Here is a recent quote by a publisher D. Clark on December 10, 2019. “Church attendance in England has fallen by about 211 thousand since 2009. The average weekly attendance in 2018 has fallen to just 870.9 thousand. In the same year just over one third of the people in U.K. identified as being Christian as compared with two thirds in 1983.” So what explains these significant drops in attendance not only in U.K but in America? We certainly have more technology to get the word out so what is going on? These drops are identified with younger generations so what is influencing them away from God! The teaching of Darwinism in public schools in America and the U.K. as a science! Atheism as a science! So God does not exist so why bother with church or a bible? Marx knew the religious vacuum in any nation will be filled with the politics of Socialism and Marxism! Christianity was the firewall to protect Democracy! From history even as Marx has been quoted Socialism is the first step to Communism! Hitler a Darwinist tried to destroy the British Empire but failed! Marx knew if we can invade the minds of school children with Evolution then we can have those next generations for our political purposes! So democracy and Christianity is being chipped away one young mind at a time! Under Marxism the ballot will be replaced with the bullet! Now the Good News! This is all prophesized in your Bible especially the Book of Revelation! Socialism moves us towards the one world government ruled by the Anti-Christ and his False Prophet which will last only seven years yet the most destructive period in history! Christ returns near the end of this period to defeat all enemies and Rule for the thousand year Millennium! Somewhere in this the Church is Raptured just prior to the seven year Tribulation period! So those in Christ our future is secure! Our job is to take the Good News to the world still applies! I shared the Gospel in a mall here in Atlanta yesterday. I handed him our Gospel tract and then he said I am a Christian! After he read the tract and with about 5 minutes of witnessing to him he said I did not know these things? He is young so my job is to place the Gospel into the current culture and expose lies with the truth! You must do the same! Pass on what God has given you especially in the church! If you have any years on you as a Christian you can leap frog a younger Christian ahead in years to mature them to meet the challenges of this generation! The older you get in Christ the more value you have to Christ and his church! The truth of Jesus Christ will still defeat every lie of Darwin but the church has not challenged the false teaching of Darwin with the Gospel! Want to keep democracy! Then keep Christ! James & Hamsa Sasse.