A nation or government may kill the idea of God, but someone will take God’s place in that government. That someone is most often an individual or group who begins a rule over the population and seeks to maintain their privileged position at all costs. This is why socialism has led to dictatorships so often throughout world history. Source: Got Questions Ministries Commentary: Socialism on a worldwide basis will eventually prepare the world for the one world government led by the Anti-Christ which will last only seven years yet the most destructive time in world history climaxed by the second coming of Jesus Christ who will defeat him and then rule the world for a thousand years of peace and prosperity where the lion will lay down with the lamb! So do not dismay when you see these events taking place for your redemption draweth nigh! Without knowing the Holy Scriptures and the prophecies predicting these events you will be blind sided and not understand these events leading you to fear rather than peace as these prophecies unfold before our eyes! The push for socialism also here in America is based on scriptures being fulfilled preparing the world for Anti-Christ rule! One or two very important events in your life is happening right now! You are either following the Christ or the Anti-Christ? So which is it? Read and study your Bible and then only will you know! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com