What the world calls virtue is a name and dream without Christ! The foundation of all human excellence must be laid deep in the blood of the Redeemer’s Cross and in the power of his Resurrection! Pastor Frederick Robinson (1816-1853), English Pastor Comment: What are the names and dreams of men that lay in the dust of history? The list is great! Kingdoms that rise and fall! Hundreds of millions laid in the dust promoting the political and religious systems of this world! There is a grave for every ideology that opposes Christ! They put Christ in the grave and thought like everyone else that lived would evaporate into history! However Christ made history never to be achieved by any living mortal! Hope beyond the grave is realized to all who trust him! A forgiven mortal is good but a resurrected Saint is power! Power to live a life of Holiness not otherwise possible to mortal men! Power to live unselfishly and to love people with the love of God! No more taking but giving! No more to be served but to serve! Born again to live again for Christ! Do you have a sure foundation? If your foundation is someone or something other than Christ you will perish with it! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com