“And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth: and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had taken the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.” Commentary: Notice that these sores fell upon the men! Monkeypox just like AIDS is a disease predominately found among the homosexual community. However I do not believe this disease is in reference to this scripture here Monkeypox is a disease judgment by God for immoral sinful behavior! The scriptures both in the Old and New Testaments condemn it! The word “mark” used here in the Greek means an engraved impression like a tatoo! Now you understand the promotion of tatoos! The word “beast” means a beast of pray which kills and devours. It hunts down it’s prey! We also know from the Book of Revelation those who follow and worship this beast will take a mark on their right hand or on their forehead. This is why the followers of Christ are forbidden to mark their bodies! No tatoos! The man that never takes a drink can never become an alcoholic! We as believers will never take a mark! So what are those that follow the Anti-Christ hunting for? Followers of Christ! Those who did not take the mark! Most that study their Bibles believe that the Rapture of the Church will happen before the 7 year tribulation one world government led by the Anti-Christ. However according to the Book of Revelation many will come to Christ during the 7 year tribulation! What about the 144 thousand Jewish evangelists? Jesus took marks on his body for our sin! He was speared, cut, thorns placed on his head, whipped and bruised for our iniquities! He bled for us! Satan will always try to duplicate at least in appearance the Christ! However Satan will demand worship! His intention which began in heaven was to deceive people and angels to reject Christ and to worship him! Let me prophetically warn believers that this Anti-Christ will not appear overnight! You will not awake up one morning and say there he is living in the rebuilt Jewish Temple and his false prophet one world religious ruler living in Rome! It will be gradual like turning up the heat gradually with the frog in the pot that gets cooked because he did not recognize the change in temperature! According to my Bible the Anti-Christ will be a Jew just as our Christ is and will be a homosexual! No natural affection for woman! The same spirit that promotes abortion! So the world wide promotion of the LGBTQ+ sinful behavior are preparations for the rule of the Anti-Christ! The governments of the world and the banking systems are now going after Christians who oppose their behaviors! If you oppose them we see the financial systems and the government powers such as the IRS and the FBI are going after us! As Paul even if in chains be a witness to them of the love of Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYouChurch.com