Money & Bats!

Isaiah 2:20 “In that day a man shall cast his idols of silver and idols of gold, which they made each one for himself to worship, to the moles and to the bats.” Commentary: The prophet never played church! He was not a 501c guy! Today some in the church say as long as you give us a cut you can worship your money! Jesus said the love of money is the root of all evil! Judas was in the church! Isaiah did not look the other way when it came to sin! The bat and the Coronavirus is consuming the wealth of the nations! The Bible says do not consume birds of prey including the bat! Interesting these scriptures were written thousands of years ago yet apply today! Truth transcends all generations! The Ebola virus was from the bat! Birds of prey eat dead animals and pass disease to the humans who consume them! Ever heard of the Swine flu? The Spanish flu all from diseased hogs! Your Bible says not to consume pork! Some in the church over the years have shrugged it off telling me that is just Old Testament? If we here in America survive the financial collapse of the Coronavirus or do not survive maybe we will learn to not play the fool and believe the Words of God! Bat soup is a delicacy in China! When any culture violates the Word of God there are consequences! By the sin of one man Adam all die! By the righteousness of one man Christ all live! I am not going to trust the church or the government! I will trust the Word of God that is able to deliver me from my sin! James & Hamsa Sasse.

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