Magnetic North Pole Shifting Fast! Isaiah 13:13

Scientist are baffled! Why! They will have to make adjustments for our navigation systems or they will be in error! The pole is moving from Canada towards Siberia! Will Santa Claus have to move? If Santa thought the North pole winters were bad wait until he gets to Siberia! A polar shift is predicted and prophetic and it is in your Bibles! Both the Old and the New Testaments! The core of the earth is hot molten iron ore that gives us our magnetic field around the earth from the North and South poles! The movement of this magnetic field means the molten core of the earth is separating from the crust or outer layer of the earth! But what happens if the earth’s crust separates to the point that the earth’s crust shifts position significantly in relation to the magnetic field? If the crust would crack and break up then the hot lava would flow to the surface and set everything on fire! Like when the judgment seals are broken in the Book of Revelation! The sun would not be in it’s course in relation to the earth and then no one would be able to tell the time or what day and month it is! Is this what Jesus meant when he said no one would know the day or hour of my return? Do not cancel your life insurance policy yet! Some scientists and theologians believe that the earth’s tilt on it’s axis of 23 degrees happened at the Flood in the Day’s of Noah! Before the flood the north south vertical axis was perpendicular to the equator or horizontal axis! During the pre-flood the earth was watered from a midst from the earth and not the sky! At this time the earth temperatures would have been even across all longitudes! There would have been no seasons with storms, floods, earthquakes, ect. It would have been a paradise! After the flood then the earth was watered from the sky and then we got the rainbow as a promise from God! Jesus said that near his second coming it will be as in the days of Noah! Is the earth going to shift back to perpendicular between the North/South East/West axis? If the scientist would read the Bible they would understand these things! No surprises if you read and believe your Bible! The real case of global warming is when God destroys the earth with fire! That fire is under your feet in the core of the earth! If you have rejected Jesus Christ as your Savior then well go ahead and cancel your life insurance policy! It will do you no good! James and Hamsa Sasse.

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