Love Much! Suffer Much! John 3:16

Did you ever notice those who love you the most suffer the most! Whether Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr. or Donald Trump ! To these 3 great leaders the people were more important than the political system! The political enemies of Trump use the political, judicial and social media system to try to destroy him and his family! The common man on the streets of America understands Trump loves them more than the systems of government! God suffered for all our sins and paid a great price to redeem us by his own blood on a Cross! We all can suffer for wrong doing but the majority suffer for what is right! Our fallen military soldiers! Persecution comes from following Christ! Jesus said they will hate you because they hate me! To God you have a name! A Christian! God is personal and is in the details but Satan is not in fact to number all his followers with a same number “666”. You are just a number to Satan as with our crooked political people! Just a vote! Not a person with a soul and a life! Jesus said my name is above all names! No man comes to the Father but by me! Jesus said if you deny me before men I will deny you before my Father in Heaven! The word deny in the Greek means to fail to mention his name! Is Jesus just a curse word to you? Ignorance is not bliss! It is hell bound! Without suffering there is no redemption! Without death there is no life! Die to self and be born again! God will give you his love to enable you to walk through suffering to express his love to the nations! Like God love your enemies and live for him! James & Hamsa Sasse.

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