King Pharoah gets a Stubborn Streak! Exodus 4:21

God warned Moses that when he goes into Pharoah to request of him to let all these Jews go back to the Promise Land Israel he would resist his request of him! Why did God harden Pharoah’s heart? If Pharoah cooperated with Moses there would be no need for God to show his wonders of the ten plagues and the parting of the Red Sea! So the witnessing of God’s miracles would not be demonstrated to the world unless Pharoah got stubborn! All our trials and tribulations are the result of our sin yet if we trust God he will deliver us out of our troubles! Unless we see a need for redemption we will not seek him! The deception of Satan all the way back to the Garden of Eden is to try to convince men they do not need a Savior! We can make it on our own? After Pharoah lost his army and all the gold in Egypt he declared the Jews serve the true God! Without trouble in your life you will never seek the true God! When you trust Jesus the living God you are delivered from death, hell and the grave! God is in charge of his Creation and if you resist him like Pharoah you will end up on the wrong end of the stick! James & Hamsa

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