A recent study just came out that discovered that if every American would have an electric car their household yearly electric bill would be four times what it takes to heat and cool their home! Our electric grid does not have the capacity to handle such demands anyway and very few American’s have the money to purchase an electric car! Also remember you would be charging your electric car using fossil fuels! So we would be using more natural gas, oil and coal to run our powerplants to run electric chargers for our cars! My electric bill down here in Georgia is cheaper than most other states but I still spend about a thousand dollars a year to heat and cool our 3000 square foot home. So then my electric bill would go up to four thousand dollars a year to charge my electric car! Then I would have to purchase a 70-80 thousand dollar electric car and pay a few thousand to put in a charging system! So if I would just be able to keep my old van I spend about a thousand dollars a year for gas! So I would be three thousand dollars ahead by just staying with my motor vehicle and putting some fossil fuel in my gas tank rather than having that same fuel pumped into a power plant to charge my electric car! Do you realize what I could do with all the money extra I would have in my retirement! I could take grandma on more shopping trips! More trips to see the grandchildren before I die! Poor old small town mayor Pete our transportation secretary tells us that if we do not like their idea’s just ride a bicycle? If someone does not know the difference between a man and a woman then maybe they should not be in charge of your life and future? Elections have consequences! As a man thinketh so is he! November is your opportunity to make some positive changes to try not to build back poor but make America great again! Creationists need to replace Darwinists or we will continue to bow down to earth worship starving the very people God created to benefit from his earth! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYouChurch.com