ISSIS Fighters Are Not Muslims?

If I had heard this from a guy on the street late at night who was drunk I could have understanding but I just heard it from the President of the United States? If these fighters are not Muslim who are they? Are they representatives from the Ladies Aid Society? He went on to say no religion would justify the killing of innocent people! Has President Obama ever read the Koran? He carries a Muslim name! The Koran is in English print. Let me give you the basic facts as taken from the Koran or Muslim Bible. If you are a Muslim you are innocent but if you are not a Muslim you are guilty of death! The good news is only 20 percent of all Muslims worldwide have ever read the Koran. Those that have follow it with terrorism! I have never heard one Muslim on the face of the earth ever apologize for any of these killings from 9-11 forward! I understand a lot of American’s are dumbed down and might believe President Obama but the facts expose his political agenda! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

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