Is Jesus a Politician? John 18:36

“Jesus answered, My Kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not for this reason.” Commentary: Jesus did not get elected to office! He is not a member of a political party! Even though Jesus created the world we live in he came to earth from another Kingdom to lead people to an eternal kingdom that will never perish! So was there ever politics in heaven? Remember Lucifer who became Satan? He started a political party in heaven against God himself! A political revolution! Can you believe it he got 33 percent of the vote! It must have been the slow group? So they get kicked out of heaven to earth and now they are the politicians running the earth! How are we doing? So God had to send back to earth his Son to be the sacrifice for our sin! Interestingly 33 percent of the earth’s population today are Christian! Jesus did get down on the politicians sometimes! He called King Herod a fox! He told the religious politicians they were headed for hell! However he did tell us to render unto Caesar what is his in taxes and pay your tithes to God! Jesus is the King of kings! Above every king! His Kingdom has no end! The Democrat and Republican parties will come to an end one day! But Jesus Kingdom will continue forever! He has no beginning and he has no end! He existed before his birth on earth and he exists after his crucifixion raised from the dead! He has promised to raise all from the dead some to everlasting life and some to eternal judgment! Do you want to fill out a registration card for heaven? Your name in the Book of Life? Jesus takes care of his own! Do you belong to him? He knows but do you? James & Hamsa Sasse.

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