Holy Ground? Exodus 3:5

The word Holy used here means to consecrate someone or something as clean and pure! The ground is the dust of the earth! Moses was standing on Holy ground consecrated by God so God asked Moses to remove his shoes! So what about his feet? God created man from the dust of the earth! God told Peter do not call what I make clean unclean! Eat Peter! God was removing the prejudice Peter had towards the gentiles! We are pronounced clean by the Blood of Jesus! It is the work of God that makes us clean not our own works! Earth worshippers or idol worshippers want to stop all energy production when in fact God created the earth for the benefit of man! The Holy ground has gas, oil, coal, diamonds, water,lithium, silver, rubies, gold, salt, food production, fertilizers, minerals and is full of things for the benefit of man! God has given us breath and life to enjoy his creation! Only God can clean you up for his service! Jesus washed the feet of his disciples preparing them for service to him and others! Only God can make you Holy and the ground you are standing on! Where God is Holiness abounds and every fruit of his spirit! Invite him into your life and he will clean you up! James & Hamsa IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

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