Greek Translation: “Unto who it was revealed removing the veil but not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister and wait on us, which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the Gospel unto you with the Holy breath of God sent down from heaven above, which things the angels the messengers of God desire to peer within.” Comment: The Holy scriptures are not for any private interpretation! The angels have delivered messages to the prophets over Biblical history when they themselves did not understand the message! Angels are not redeemed yet they try to understand redemption but not fully yet they deliver the messages in obedience to God! When the Holy Spirit gives us revelation confirmed by “His Word”, it is not for yourself! When you received Christ as Savior the veil was removed from your eyes and now you are able to see into the Spirit world! You see God and the deceptions of Satan operating in the world!. When we preach the Gospel or evangelize often the hearers will see things from the same scriptures that you the messenger may not see! I often see more from the scriptural message than I do from the messenger! This is the Holy Spirit confirming his word! This is the way the Gospel works! It is about miracles! If you just preach the Word of God people will get saved! Some of those same people will have a bigger ministry than you do! We have to be humble to receive this revelation! God’s revelation is not for me who is already saved but for the unsaved! The Apostle Peter preached this message for me and for you! What we do with the message determines if fruit is produced! If we sow the seeds into others a crop will be produced! Often what we preach is better understood than what we understand! This is the power of the Gospel! Then they take their understanding and pass it unto others! Jesus said go out into all the world and preach the Gospel! Just like me an ordinary evangelist who is obedient and passes the Gospel unto others can do great things for the Kingdom of God! The power of the Word of God cannot be measured! Can you trust Jesus enough to take him at his word and scatter seed over then earth for a harvest? His word will never return void! James and Hamsa Sasse.