Food or Fuel? Go Brandon Go!

The Biden Administration is screwing us up again! This time with ethanol production! He wants to increase ethanol in our gasolines! This man does not think ahead? Ethanol is made out of food that is corn grains! With the Ukraine war wheat supplies are locked up by Russia in the Ukraine. Ukraine supplies about 20 percent of wheat to the world! We use corn to feed our cattle and livestock including chickens, turkeys and other livestock meats! Unless you preserve our grain supplies for human consumption you will create more shortages in food production! If you increase ethanol supplies into gasoline there are problems that come with that. Right now most ethanol added to gasoline is about ten percent. If you increase above ten percent then bad things can happen to your engine with too much ethanol! Well what about the flex fuel engines? That is the E-85 engines? I owned one back in the 1990’s! A Dodge Caravan. In order to use E-85 according to my owners manual I would have to go to the Dodge Dealer and get a special engine oil from them to put in my engine or the ethanol would destroy my engine! Ethanol absorbs water! When it comes to cold weather starting ethanol presents many problems! Ethanol requires 30 percent more fuel to get the same gasoline mileage! If you have a gasoline engine that gets 10 miles per gallon and you put ethanol in your tank now you will only get 7 miles per gallon! So when you smile and see E-85 is a little lower in price than regular gas then do the math and add 30 percent to the price listed on the pump and then that would be the real price you are paying! I had a friend years ago who was well to do and she bragged about her new E-85 vehicle she had just purchased! So she went out and filled her tank with E-85! Then she had to call a tow truck and hauled it back to the dealer! She told me the dealer told her to use E-85 only in an emergency where regular motor fuel was not available! Ethanol is corrosive to your fuel systems and will absorb a ton of water! When any politician offers you an easy solution read the fine print! James & Hamsa Sasse.

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