Eschatology! End Times!

The reason it is exciting to study end times prophecies is because we are in the end times right now! What about the rapture of the church here on earth? When will it come? What are the signs? There are three theories about the rapture. The pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation and post tribulation rapture! Most theologians hold the pre-tribulation rapture. The tribulation period is the seven year period where the Anti-Christ and his False Prophet will rule the world under a one world political system and a one world religious system. My first question is if all the Christians are raptured off the earth just before the tribulation period begins then who is left to oppose the Anti-Christ and his False Prophet during this seven year period climaxed by Christ’s second coming? If we have an armageddon or the last world war on planet earth before Christ’s second coming then who is opposing the Anti-Christ? Two things are happening during the tribulation period. Through the 144 thousand Jewish evangelist many people are coming to Christ! So this is a new breed of Christians who immediately once saved will oppose the Anti-Christ! Then after or during the half way period when the secular Jews realize they have been tricked by the Anti-Christ demanding worship by them from the re-built temple at Jerusalem they immediately will oppose him! So the Christians at the rapture regardless of time frame who go to heaven will be replaced by Christians who get saved after the rapture of the church! Then the Christians in heaven will follow Jesus out of heaven back to earth at his second coming to join the Christians here on earth to battle Satan at the Battle of Armageddon! So regardless of the timing of the rapture God covers the earth with his Christians to evangelize the earth and to oppose evil! James & Hamsa Sasse.

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