DNA Debunkes Evolution!

In September 2012, 30 scientific papers were published simultaneously by the United States Government funded by the ENCOR project. These reviews of the papers provide ample proof that “Junk DNA” is at least 80% functional and active! The Darwinian’s went ballistic! The science of genetics is refuting the “ape to human evolution” and Darwin is doing cartwheels in his grave! “Ape to human evolution” theory is on its way out towards extinction—for it is not fit enough to stand truth. Source: Darwinconspiracy.com  Comment: God does not make any junk! To support their theory the Evolutionists threw out 98 percent of the DNA of human and monkey species to try to support their theory! They cherry picked only 2 percent to try to prove their theory! What a hoax! You cannot make conclusions on 2 percent of anything! Genesis 1:1 still stands as the truth and true science will always support Creation and our Holy Scriptures! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

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