Happy New Year! Why should the beginning of each New Year be a Happy one? Because my Bible says that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever! December closed out as our best month for 2018 blog and web site traffic! So here are the numbers: Blog traffic; 15562 visitors. Web Site Traffic; 6382 visitors, First Time visitors, 1742. Top 5 Country Traffic; USA, France, South Korea, Italy and Canada. Top Language HTML Page; Marathi Top Language MP3 Download; Tamil Thankyou for prayers and support for 2018! Remember you can download or print any material on our blog and web site and distribute freely to reach others with the Gospel! We have a disclaimer on home page as none of our material has copyright claims! Many have given us external links to our material on their web sites! This multiplies our outreach! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com