
“An outgrowth of the European Marxist school of critical theory, critical race theory is an academic movement which seeks to link racism, race and power. Unlike the civil rights movement, which sought to work within the structures of American democracy, critical race theorists challenge the very foundations of the liberal order, such as rationalizing, constitutional law, and legal reasoning. Critical race theorists argue that American social life, political structure and economic systems are founded upon race, which in their view is a social construct.” Source: 2022, Critical Race Training in Education. Commentary: This is being taught to our kids? Is this crazy or what? They want to tear down our social, political, judicial and Constitution foundations because they are unfair to race! Even according to them our gender is racial! This is Marxism repackaged and Darwin ideology! No wonder parents show up at school board meetings and sound off in opposition for teaching this to their children! Biden calls in the FBI on them weaponizing the Justice Department to go after any parent that disagrees with this Marxist ideology! Parents are pulling their children out of public schools at alarming rates! Now let me give you another quote from the German Studies Review 2013. ” Historians disagree about whether Nazis embraced Darwin evolution. By examining Hitler’s ideology, the official biology curriculum, the writings of Nazi anthropologists and Nazi periodicals, we find that Nazi racial theorists did indeed embrace human and racial evolution. They not only taught that humans had evolved from primates, but they believed the Aryan and Nordic harsh climate conditions that influenced natural selection. They also claimed that Darwin’s underpinned specific elements of Nazi racial ideology, involved racial inequality, the necessity of the racial struggle for existence and collectivism.” Richard Weikart Commentary: If you cannot see the links between Nazi Racial theory and Critical Race theory then you deserve to have to try to live under these ideologies of death! Did you notice climate is involved here in natural selection? The Green New Deal! You would think that after the Darwin followers of the Axis Powers Leaders of WWII with 60 million dead and over 100 million dead in the Russian Revolution of 1917 and their leaders following Darwin that Darwin would have been buried forever after the end of WWII in 1945? It was for a period of years then in the 1960’s Darwin was inserted into our public education system teaching our children the ideology of death! Prayers and the Bible was removed from out classrooms and some 60 years later we have come full circle to the dark cloud that moved over Europe and now is over the United States! What concerns me more than all of this is the silence of the Church here in America? It is like the 501c has brain washed the Church into a muted voice as our foundation is crumbling all around us? I will never be intimidated into silence! Give me liberty or give me death! Patrick Henry was awaked to the threats to our liberty! If you submit to anarchy you will also surrender your freedoms! James & Hamsa Sasse.

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