It was reported a woman was running down a California Interstate naked firing a pistol at passing motorists! How do they know it was a woman? Could be a transgender person? Govenor Newsom that thinks he is Nancy? I thought maybe it was Nancy home on leave from Washington D.C.? I thought all the crazies were only in D.C. I was wrong again! The California dream a few decades ago was to go and live there! Today the dream is to flee the Golden State! You cannot find a U-Haul rental available to leave the State! The politicians in California have made the U-Haul company rich! The good news is it is good to know there is someone else running around naked besides Hunter Biden!
Category: Uncategorized
Seek First the Kingdom of God! Then? Things will be Added Unto You! Matthew 6:33
No one is discontented at not being a King except a discrowned King…Unhappiness almost invariably indicates the existence of a road not taken, a talent undeveloped, a self not recognized. Blaise Pascal
Global Warming Myth Continues!
Not Rocket Science!
If man is not made for God then why is he only happy in God? Blaise Pascal, Mathematician, Physicist, Chemist, Inventor. I.Q.-195 Commentary: To deny God and his creation is the dumbest thing man can do! God created male and female! Your gender is a gift from God! To tell God you were born in the wrong body is the insult to your creator that only craziness came come out of the denial of the living God! The Apostle Paul said God turned them over to a reprobate mind! No longer able to discern right from wrong! No longer able to distinguish or discern their maker and his plans and their purpose here on earth! This life here is to prepare us for the next life! If you get it wrong here destruction comes not only in this life but the life to come! Rejecting the creator of heaven and earth leaves you homeless and alone isolated from the love of God! Life itself becomes a burden unable to comprehend drowning out reality in drugs with vain imaginations opposing the love of God rejecting his design for your life! Jesus said I have gone back to heaven to prepare a place for you! He also has a place for you here on earth in this life! To honor him with all that he has given you! Throughout my life of 74 years on this earth sometimes I would ask God if I had this then I could do that! He would reply back to me you are not using what you got! You are not developing the gifts I have placed inside of you at creation! You are wasting what I have already given you at birth! No excuses just use what you have! Do not look around but look within! If you have one lemon make lemonade! I have made you different for my purpose to show you that my ways are past finding out and my giftings can only be found and released through me! James & Hamsa Sasse.
Why Did Nancy Leave Her Heart in San Francisco?
Because she screwed up the city so bad it was not safe to live there anymore! So they moved her to Washington D.C where she is screwing up the rest of America! My only request to Nancy is she stay out of our small towns of America and if she wants continue to screw up our big towns but please spare the rest of America the small towns our last bastion of hope and peace! Thankyou Nancy!
Only Biden is Capable of Dividing NATO and Starting a Nuclear War with Russia!
War on Catholics!
The Biden Administration has weaponized the D.O.J. and the FBI to go after Catholics! Stranger than fiction but this is where we are at in America today! Biden and Nancy claim they are Catholics yet the Catholic Church here in America has refused to serve them Communion because of their promotions of abortion! I stand with the Catholics on this one! It appears to me that the Catholics practice their faith more than the Protestants do! Many on Fox News are Catholics and Trump appointed two Catholics to the Supreme Court! This fuels the left in their illegal use of government to hurt Catholics! So what does that prompt me to do as a Protestant for the last 50 years of my life? I want to become a Catholic and financially support Catholic organizations so I will have the opportunity to suffer with my brothers and sisters in Christ! I cannot stand by and watch this with callous and coldness of heart as those in the Body of Christ suffer for his name! I will not be excluded from suffering for the name of Christ! If I cannot suffer with them never could I live with them in good conscious! Stand with the Catholics as the Biden Crosshairs of persecution center on their righteous stand for God and Country! Don’t try this in my small town! James & Hamsa Sasse. WhoisGod.UK
American Small Town Patriots!
So is God Homophobic? 1 Corinthians 6:9
“Know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God. Be not deceived neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers. nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind.” Commentary: The phrase “nor abusers of themselves with mankind” is translated from one Greek word which is Strong’s #733. It means Sodomites or homosexuals. God loves the sinner but hates the sin! We have to confess our sin, repent from it and let Jesus make us righteous by his sacrifice of himself on the Cross for our sin! Does not matter whether the State tries to legalize sin it is still sin! The State does us no favors when it tries to condone sin! It will only deny sinners the opportunity to repent trying to normalize evil! God Bless those who in these last days stand for the Holy Scriptures while the world crumbles down before our very eyes! James & Hamsa Sasse.